Arranging windows |
When you start the application the first time or when you change to a new skin
the windows are usually stacked together on the center of the screen. You can
just drag them to the place where you want them to be. The window position is
saved to the configuration so the next time you start the application the
windows will be where you left them. When you move the windows you can notice that they snap to the screen edges and other Rainlendar windows automatically when they are close enough. This is to help you to align the windows exactly next to each other or the screen borders. You can temporarily disable this feature if you keep shift key down while moving the window. You should note though that if you leave the windows too close to each other they will snap together when they are opened the next time you start or refresh Rainlendar. If you don't like the snapping you can disable if completely from the Advanced options. If you don't need some of the windows you can hide them from the context menu or disable them completely from Advanced skin options. You can also add new windows from there. |
Changing months |
Rainlendar shows the current month by default (the date is taken from your
system). You can change to the next or previous month from the arrow
buttons in the window. You can also use shortcut keys to change the months (the
window must have keyboard focus):
The same functions can be accessed from the context menu too. Note: some skins might include additional navigation buttons (or lack them completely). |
Other functionality |
Context menus: You can access most of Rainlendar's functionality from
the context menu. You can open the context menu from the secondary mouse button
either over a window or on the tray icon. Note that the context menu is context
sensitive (hence the name) so if you open it e.g. over the event list the menu
is specific for the events. You can always open the complete menu by holding
shift key down when you click the mouse button. If you want always to use the
full menus you can enable this from the Advanced
options. Windows: You can quickly hide and show the active windows from the context menu. You can also use the shortcut keys (from alt + 1 to alt + 0) to toggle the windows. Calendars: It's possible to enable and disable the calendars from the context menu. You can use this to quickly hide/show some of the events from the calendar that don't need to be visible all the time. You can also use the shortcut keys (from ctrl + 1 to ctrl + 0) to toggle the calendars. Refresh: The refresh menu item reloads all settings, skins and the plugins. If you have made changes to the ini-files yourself you can use this to apply them without restarting Rainlendar. Task list: The task list can be arranged by different criteria (alphabetically, by due date, by category, ...) from the context menu. You can define a primary and secondary sorting order. It's also possible to use a custom sorting order where you can just drag the items to different positions. The context menu also has options to hide the completed tasks and upcoming tasks from the list. Alarm: The alarm window allows you to either dismiss the alarms or snooze them. The default snoozing time can be changed from the advanced options. If you open the context menu over one of the items in the window you can also dismiss/snooze it individually and choose the desired snooze time. Balloon tip: The balloon tip window can be left open by holding down the shift key. This is useful e.g. if the window contains a link. Wiki text: It's possible to use some basic formatting in the events and tasks. The formatting is done similarly as in wiki where you use specific control characters to change the way the text will be displayed. The formatting can also automatically detect urls and email addresses.
You can also use \n as a line separator (this works also in the headers). |